Online Course: LPR Solution Blueprint
Do You Want to Get Rid of Your LPR Symptoms once and for all?

Hey! I am Gerrit, developer of the LPR Solution Blueprint. Let me show you how 5500+ other members and I got rid of their LPR permanently.

You Are Not Alone
LPR is an invisible disease.
And it’s more common than you think. Most people are aware of their symptoms, but can’t locate the source.
Since you're reading this, you've already made it past the critical first step to overcoming your silent reflux: Awareness.
Many don’t even get that far.
The sad truth is: Most doctors don't know how to identify the signs and symptoms of LPR. Or they just do not have the willingness or the time to treat it properly. You, me, and other people diagnosed can attest to that.
I know this because I’ve been there. I can completely understand how you’re feeling. But, after lots of ups and downs during my endless search for a correct diagnosis and treatment, I became an expert on LPR.
If You're Tired Of:
How I Found a Treatment that Works
The day I woke up with an unusually severe cold - the symptoms of which persisted for a couple of weeks - was the day I became determined to put a name to this condition. Even if that meant looking for something that’s hidden under a rock.
For a long time, no physician was able to find what was wrong with me. It was complete luck that I came across a doctor who was able to diagnose me with LPR.
My first thought was: ‘This is amazing’! I finally know what to point my finger at and start healing it.
It turned out: it’s not that easy. My physician prescribed me an acid-reducing medication which didn’t do anything for me. The symptoms persisted.
But, unlike other patients, I had an advantage. I work in the medical sector – as a medical journalist. Research is what I am good at. So, with strong determination and a good plan for how to get to the core of this problem, I began my journey.
The Knowledge Is There – You Just Have to Talk to the Experts
The next few months I got busy with research. First, I went through all of the available scientific publications and studies.
Next, I contacted the leading researchers and physicians in the field.
My status as a medical journalist not only gave me access to all of these experts, but most importantly, opened the door for candid conversations.
I found this of great relevance, as it allowed me to address the core of the problem.
It took me a while to identify and reach out to the right people, physicians who excel in LPR treatment. Top doctors are busy treating patients; they don’t waste their time marketing themselves.
My interview partners were outraged about how wrongly LPR patients are still treated.
Through the interviews, I learned how some physicians and leading experts treat patients with LPR. But unfortunately, these people who have the power to help us fight this condition, are busy fighting battles against the pharmaceutical industry.
All of the successful and permanent LPR treatment approaches – including the LPR Solution Blueprint - are based on diet. The giant pharma industry cannot earn money from that. Food is not patentable – drugs are.
Pharma corporations are even fighting treatment options for the toughest LPR cases. Cases that need surgery, to heal permanently. Big pharma is losing money with every healed patient. They are doing everything they can to keep patients in the loop of buying drugs.
Acid-Reducing Medications Do Not Work for LPR
Reflux medication generates billions in revenue for the pharma industry each year.
So-called proton-pump inhibitors to be exact, PPIs for short. They massively reduce the acidity produced in the stomach (as their name suggests). Some well-known brand names are Nexium, Prilosec, Protonix, and Prevacid.
And nearly everybody who sees a doctor for reflux gets prescribed them, including LPR patients.
How did PPIs get debunked?
Multiple studies in the last few years, including a meta-analysis by Dr. C. Liu (2016) have shown that acid-reducing medications have zero effect on reducing the symptoms of LPR. They only have a placebo effect, which means there is no difference between giving patients a PPI or a sugar pill.
Proton-pump inhibitors have been developed to treat reflux symptoms in the esophagus, where acid is the main problem. LPR, on the other hand, is caused by the stomach enzyme pepsin, against which an acid medication doesn’t do a thing.
Pharmaceutical companies are trying to suppress the fact-based evidence about LPR that’s available out there. It’s dangerous for their business because it will decrease the number of prescriptions written for proton-pump inhibitors.
Most physicians have such an overload of patients flooding into their offices, leaving little time to educate themselves independently. Instead, they visit seminars sponsored by pharma companies. I’ll give you one guess as to the goal of those seminars. You got it: It’s to make physicians prescribe more pills.
Dietary measures are a highly successful cure for LPR. Medication can’t even compete with them. But unfortunately, dietary reflux treatments don’t have a lobby.
Nutrition is barely taught in med school. To me, this fact was mind-blowing.
Knowing the power of proper nutrition in staying healthy and tackling different diseases, it is surprising how diet gets minimal, if any, attention in med schools. The curriculum concentrates on treatments based on medication and surgeries. If that doesn't alarm us, I don’t know what will.
This is why I decided to start Refluxgate. I needed a platform where I could share all of the successful treatment strategies for LPR, even at the cost of making enemies of pharma companies.
What is the LPR Solution Blueprint?
After recording the interviews with the expert physicians, I analyzed all of the material and broke it down into easy-to-understand videos.
The result is the LPR Solution Blueprint: comprehensive knowledge from leading experts presented in a simple language.
The methods I learned didn’t only heal my LPR but also that of thousands of other members.
In the course, I am not talking about a magic trick or anything like that. Instead, you’ll find multiple strategies on how to achieve one goal: Getting rid of your LPR symptoms.
What people like the most about the course is that regardless of the severity of your LPR, you will find a solution inside. The LPR Solution Blueprint offers multiple approaches which help even the worst cases.
LPR often starts with mild symptoms. The biggest mistake is taking this condition lightly. If you suffer from mild symptoms, don’t let this condition thrive. Being at the early LPR stage is great. Because by implementing only a couple of things from the LPR Solution Blueprint in your daily life, I guarantee you, your symptoms will vanish.

Module 1 – Basics
- Discover why there are more and more cases of LPR.
- How LPR is caused and how you can use that knowledge to cure your symptoms.
Module 2 – Eliminating Triggers
- There are way more causes for LPR than most people think. We will look at 19 groups of triggers in detail.
- LPR includes physical, dietary, psychological, neurological and medication-based triggers. We will talk about all of them.
- Master the process of identifying LPR triggers in your daily life – and how to eliminate them.
- Heal even treatment-resistant LPR by uncovering triggers you weren’t aware of before.
- Get clear instructions on how to play your favorite sports without worsening reflux.
- Which medications are typical triggers for reflux and which alternatives are out there?
- Learn which measures against LPR are the most promising. Hint: It’s not the ones most people think.
Module 3 – Correct Diagnosis
- Why many physicians misdiagnose LPR.
- Insist on getting these tests for a reliable LPR diagnosis.
- How to be certain about what’s causing your symptoms?
- Learn how to diagnose LPR even if you already take acid-reducing medication that doesn’t allow pH-testing.
- Why physicians often order gastroscopy and pH-testing of the esophagus, despite the fact that these methods offer little value for diagnosing LPR.
- How testing the stomach enzymes in your saliva can help diagnose reflux?
- How to identify competent physicians to diagnose your LPR?
Module 4 – Dietary Treatment
- The secret on how to heal LPR permanently with dietary measures. Hint: there is one crucial but often overlooked factor.
- The 24 most ideal foods that don’t trigger your LPR.
- Why it’s important when and in which rhythm you eat.
- Discover a huge and common misunderstanding on dietary treatment.
- 6 LPR poison foods to avoid. You’ll notice a massive improvement in symptoms.
- How to split up your meals to prevent activating your LPR.
Stop using these 8 common LPR triggering ingredients. - How to spot ingredients that might trigger your LPR.
- Find out the fundamental differences between GERD and LPR. Warning: most online articles about LPR only cover basic generic heartburn advice.
Module 5 – Medication
- Discover why the most common prescription medications don’t work for LPR – proven by studies.
- Why pharma corporations invest piles of cash to keep useful LPR treatments a secret?
- Which less known drugs reduce LPR – also proven by studies.
- Find out which plant-based medication binds LPR before it reaches the airways.
- How to decrease acid-reducing medication intake without worsening your LPR symptoms (no rebound effect)?
- Instructions on how to make your own alkaline water to wash out the stomach enzyme pepsin.
- How to inhale alkaline water to deactivate stomach enzymes deep in your airways?
Module 6 – Surgeries
- Learn which procedures help even the most extreme LPR cases.
- Why most surgeons and hospitals continue doing the same procedures, despite better alternatives.
- Types of fundoplication and their LPR success rates.
- Find out the side-effects of different procedures that are often played down.
- We talk about a new procedure that provides a very interesting low-risk alternative to traditional anti-reflux surgeries.
- Answering one of the most important questions: At which point surgery makes sense for you.
Want to Feel Better within 10 days?
My exclusive bonus content takes you by the hand. It will help you implement the strategies from the LPR Solution Blueprint fast and with the least effort:
Plus-Content: 10-Day Diet Plan and Recipe Book
- Get the exclusive 10-day LPR diet that will jumpstart the process of reducing your symptoms, quickly and easily.
- Find an extensive collection of recipes for tasty, healthy, LPR-free cooking.
Plus-Content: Ingredient List
- Dive into a list of 138 commonly used ingredients which includes:
- Colored ingredient labels – you’ll know exactly which ingredients to INCLUDE in your diet, which ones are RISKY (but can pass), and which ones to AVOID.
- Contains the exact acidity (pH) of each food.
- Shows you the trigger foods for LPR.
- All of the above on one list. You can print it and put it on your fridge.
- It’ll always be there when you go shopping for groceries.
Plus-Content: Symptom Diary
- Observe your symptoms systematically and discover which treatments help you the best.
- Finally, live without silent reflux – by incorporating the treatment strategies that work best for you.
Premium-Content: Additional Recordings
- Additional recordings of original interviews with reflux experts.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
My satisfaction guarantee secures your investment. If you are not satisfied with the content, methods, or even just do not like the design of the course, you’ll get a full refund of your payment. An email to is enough to get your money back.
What Other Members Have to Say About the Course

“After 3 months, 98% of my symptoms were gone.”
“As a professional singer, my voice is hugely important to me. When I started getting so hoarse I could hardly perform, it terrified me. My doctor told me to give my voice some rest – but how could I do that without damaging my career?
I did some research online and discovered that reflux might be behind my hoarseness. After 4 weeks of following the LPR Solution Blueprint, 80% of my problems had disappeared. After 3 months, 98% of my symptoms were gone. My singing is back on track, and I feel great"
Sylvia Almaraz, Austin
“...reflux medication didn’t help."
While I don’t talk that much in my job as a software developer, when I do it is important. I often became very hoarse, which is why I saw a doctor. He diagnosed me with reflux, but the reflux medication didn’t help.
Luckily, Gerrit’s course worked. Now after half a year, I only get hoarse in presentations if I drink a lot of coffee beforehand.
Douglas Britt, Tampa

“I feel better than I have in years."
"I’ve had a chronic cough for a while. Sometimes I’d wake up in the middle of the night gasping and struggling to breathe. My doctors insisted it was due to me having been a heavy smoker. I accepted it with a grain of salt and began to research online. I came upon LPR and thankfully, decided to give the online course a try.
After making changes in my daily habits I’m relieved to be able to say, all symptoms vanished in a matter of months! I’m finally able to get a full night’s sleep and I feel better than I have in years."
Darlene Collins, Lakewood
Get Started Today
Do you want to achieve the same results as the members above? Then I am excited to see you today in the LPR Solution Blueprint member area!

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More Opinions on the Course

“I wish I would have done the course earlier..."
“I can’t believe the amount of money I gave to doctors to try and clear up my condition. Everywhere I looked I received no help whatsoever. I was beginning to despair that there was nothing that could be done about it.
The LPR Blueprint was indeed the solution! I wish I would have done the course earlier, I would have saved all that time and money! "
Thomas Delatorre, Caltwell
“...this is what the future of healthcare looks like."
“It seemed like no one knew anything about my silent reflux. For months I bounced around from doctor to doctor to doctor, they didn’t help at all.
Finally, I found out about Gerrit’s course and couldn’t believe it, someone knew what they were talking about, and I learned how to fix my silent reflux. This is what the future of health-care looks like."
Amy R. Jeffers, Phoenix

Frequently Asked Questions
How fast will I see an improvement of my symptoms?
Can I still eat tasty food?
Why are you taking money for something that can help so many people?
How fast will I get access to the course?
P.S.: I see it all the time. People waiting too long to do something about their LPR. What’s worse, instead of taking a step in the right direction, they take shortcuts by trying all kinds of harmful medications, snake-oils or wonder treatments. The result is more harm and damage, making the healing process longer, tougher, and more difficult.
Luckily, those cases make up only a small fraction. Most of my readers take their health into their own hands, starting the healing process with an excellent prognosis and continuing their lives LPR-free.