About Refluxgate

Refluxgate provides scientifically researched-based information about reflux. We help you take your health into your own hands.

Our main focus is on the treatment of airway reflux, better known as LPR / silent reflux. However, we also provide information about classic reflux, with symptoms such as heartburn.

Editorial Team

Gerrit Sonnabend: Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Gerrit's background is in qualitative research and data science. Gerrit founded Refluxgate when he himself had severe problems with silent reflux and was dissatisfied with the existing information available online. You can learn more about Gerrit here.

Sarah Neidler: Research & Editing

Sarah is a biologist and works as a science journalist. Her main interest lies in understanding how nutrition influences the course of chronic diseases.

Mel Bertaud: Editing & Proofreading

Mel is a certified health and wellness coach with a passion for helping people transform their lives through plant-based nutrition and intuitive eating.

Medical Experts

To provide up-to-date and scientifically sound information, we collaborate with leading specialists. We convey this information in an easy-to-understand manner so that you can get the best possible control over your condition. 

To this end, we regularly interview reflux experts. Information from the interviews is incorporated into our articles. The following experts have made a particularly high contribution to our research, which is why we would like to explicitly mention them at this point:

Dr. Mark Noar

Dr. Noar is a leading gastroenterologist, reflux expert, and scientist. He has helped a large number of doctors worldwide with further education on the diagnosis and treatment of reflux. Reflux is a topic close to Dr. Noar's heart, as he himself is affected by silent reflux.

Prof. Peter Dettmar

Prof. Dettmar is an expert on pepsin, the digestive enzyme responsible for the symptoms of silent reflux. Sadly, Peter Dettmar has passed away. However, we want to honor his crucial contributions to Refluxgate.

Mel Bertaud: Lektorat & Korrektur

Dr. Chang is an ear, nose, and throat specialist who is particularly knowledgeable about damage to the vagus nerve (vagus nerve neuropathy). Vagus nerve neuropathy is associated with silent reflux.